Why Rehab May Take More than One Try
406 words|2 min read|In a perfect world, when you make the decision to seek help for substance addiction, you would enter rehab, learn and make the necessary changes [...]
Why Older Adults are At-Risk for Addiction?
305 words|1.5 min read|When people picture what someone struggling with substance addiction looks like, they may picture someone younger, whom they imagine got involved with drugs or alcohol [...]
Being a Sober Parent in “Drinking Parent” Culture
472 words|2.4 min read|Whether you’re a first-time mom or a father of three, there’s no denying that parenthood is hard. While parents have often indulged in a glass [...]
Identifying a High-Functioning Alcoholic
551 words|2.8 min read|When adults suffer from substance abuse, over time, they can begin to develop ways to hide their addiction and go about their daily lives as [...]
Risk Factors for Alcohol Addiction
413 words|2.1 min read|Very rarely is there just a single factor that causes addiction. In reality, there are often multiple factors that work to create an addiction to [...]
Support Alcohol Awareness Month This April
431 words|2.2 min read|Every April, Alcohol Awareness Month puts the spotlight on this important health care issue in America. Since its creation in 1987 by the National Council [...]
Am I an Alcoholic?
492 words|2.5 min read|Drinking alcohol may be socially acceptable, but for many people, it can become a problem. Alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction affect thousands of people and [...]
How to Beat Alcoholism as a Midlife Adult
548 words|2.7 min read|If you’re suffering from alcoholism as a midlife adult, you are not alone. Compared to people in their twenties, people between the ages of 45 [...]