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Updated COVID-19 Protocols for Pyramid Healthcare Companies

On May 11, 2023, the Centers for Disease Control announced the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency.  The CDC posted “Interim infection prevention and control recommendations for Healthcare Personnel,” from which we have implemented the following changes to our own COVID-19 protocols and mitigation efforts, effective immediately.

What changes have been made to coincide with the end of the public health emergency?

  • Withdrawal Management and Residential Programs
    • Masks are optional for patients, visitors and employees, unless the program is in outbreak status (as defined by the Department of Health). Masks will continue to be available for those who wish to wear one.
    • COVID-19 testing will not be done upon admission, unless the client reports symptoms and a test is ordered by the provider.
    • COVID-19 testing will not be done upon discharge or transfer to another level of care, unless ordered by a provider as a requirement for an external referral.
    • A truncated pre-admission COVID-19 screening to identify positive, active instances of COVID-19 replaces the current COVID-19 pre-admission full screening.
    • Staff and client screenings at the door have been eliminated.
    • Transportation drivers do not have to mask unless transporting an exposed or positive client.
    • The twice daily symptom monitoring in residential programs has been eliminated.
  • Outpatient Programs
    • Unless the program is in outbreak status (as defined by the Department of Health), no masks or social distancing is required.

What is staying the same?

  • Residential Programs
    • We will continue to test symptomatic clients, if ordered by the provider.
    • Isolation time for clients testing positive will remain at 5 days, with an additional 5 days of masking.
    • Clients exposed to COVID-19 will continue to mask, and we will monitor for symptoms and test on days 0, 3 and 5 from the last exposure.
    • Staff members exposed to COVID-19 will continue to mask, and we will monitor for symptoms and test on day 5 from the last exposure.
  • Outpatient Programs
    • Clients exposed to COVID-19 will continue to mask, and we will monitor for symptoms and test on day 5 from the last exposure.
    • Staff members exposed to COVID-19 will continue to mask, and we will monitor for symptoms and test on day 5 from the last exposure.

These changes mark the next step toward a return to normal operations. When the CDC releases the full infection control guidance for healthcare personnel, changes to the above updates will be communicated.