How to Handle Dating in Recovery

Tips for Dating in Recovery
Anyone who has struggled with addiction knows that drugs and alcohol affect more than your physical health. Substance abuse issues (and the underlying issues that cause addiction) can make you question your self-worth and have difficulty forming and maintaining personal relationships.
This can cause you to approach the idea of dating with caution — as you should. However, you don’t have to forgo a romantic relationship just because you’re in recovery. These are a few tips to handle dating while maintaining your sobriety.
Don’t Date Before You’re Ready
Before you’re able to have a committed relationship and love someone else, you need to love yourself first. If you don’t feel as though you can form a well-functioning connection with someone, hold off on re-entering the dating scene until you feel you are ready.
Be Honest About Your Recovery
You should not feel ashamed of your recovery or as if you need to hide your past. By being honest about your battle with addiction, you can find a partner who will not only accept you as you are but also help you maintain your sobriety.
Take Things Slow
Especially if you tended to rush into relationships in the past (whether or not that was influenced by your using drugs), do your best to take things slow as you begin dating again. Spend a good amount of time getting to know a person and making sure they are someone who will support you as you continue your recovery.
Once you have determined they are right for you, then you both can make the decision to take further steps in your relationships.
Choose Sober Date Locations
Often, adults will choose bars or restaurants as the location for first dates, but if you’re not ready to be around alcohol again, speak to your date about picking a “dry” location.
See a movie, go mini-golfing, take a walk in the park — you have plenty of options that will help you maintain your sobriety and be a bit more fun than a traditional dinner with drinks.
Working with a rehabilitation team that understands your unique needs is of the utmost importance when treating addiction. At Silver Ridge, we are committed to providing midlife adults with the care and treatment they need. Contact us today to speak to one of our intake specialists.