Why the Holidays are a Good Time to Go to Rehab

For most people, the holiday season is a time of joy and merriment, filled with beautiful decorations, delicious treats, and fun memories. However, for those struggling with substance abuse, the holidays may prove to be an overwhelming and challenging time instead.
If you’re considering seeking help for your addiction, you may be glad to know that the holidays are a great time to enter into a rehabilitation program, for several reasons.
Why You Should Seek Addiction Treatment During the Holidays
The Holiday Season is Stressful
As mentioned above, the holiday season is not always a happy time for everyone. This time of year can bring about greater feelings of stress and anxiety, compared to other months, since it is often filled with hectic gift shopping and reunions with family members you may have tension with.
If you’re already struggling with alcohol or drug abuse, the holiday season, and the negative emotions it makes you feel, can exacerbate your addiction.
Holiday Events Present Relapse Triggers
Whether office holiday parties put alcohol in your path or the stress of seeing certain family members proves too much, the holiday season is full of triggers that could put you at risk for relapse.
If you find yourself tempted to break your sobriety or notice that you’re using your substance of choice even more than you normally did, this may be the best time to break away from your everyday world and enter rehab.
Sobriety Can Be Your Gift to Yourself
While you may be running around trying to determine the best gift for friends and family members, consider the gift that sobriety could be to you. Breaking free from addiction can offer you the chance at a healthier, happier life, and making the choice to enter into a treatment program could be the best gift you ever receive.
Go to Rehab This Year to Enjoy the Holidays Next Year
If there is any chance that you are going to spend the holiday season using drugs or alcohol to cope with mental health issues, family problems, or otherwise, it may be wise to enter into a program now so that next year, you can fully enjoy the holidays, free from the hold of substance abuse.
Adult Substance Abuse Treatment in North Carolina
When you’re struggling with alcohol or drug abuse and are ready to take the first steps toward recovery, turn to Silver Ridge. We are a unique rehabilitation center tailored to meet the needs of established, midlife adults who are struggling with drug addiction or alcohol addiction.
Contact us today to get the help you deserve.